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Advisory Board

João Torres de Mello Neto

Professor at the Institute of Physics (IF)/UFRJ and Vice-Provost for Research and Graduate Studies (PR-2)/UFRJ, Brazil

Robson Monteiro

Director of IBqM/UFRJ and Coordinator of the Interinstitutional Program for Teaching, Research and Outreach in Cancer Biology, Brazil


Suzana Kahn

Director of COPPE/UFRJ. One of the founders of the COPPE Center for Artificial Intelligence, Brazil


Abel Packer

Director of Scientific Electronic Library, SciELO, Brazil


Ali Knott

Professor at the School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


Chinasa Okolo 

Fellow in the Center for Technology Innovation in the Governance Studies program at Brookings Institutions/AI Governance in the Global South


Claudio Miceli de Farias

Professor at the Systems and Computer Engineering Program/COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil


David Moher

​Professor and Research Chair at the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada


Edmundo de Souza e Silva 

Professor at the Systems and Computer Engineering Program/COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil


Edna Frasson de Souza Montero 

Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of University of São Paulo (FMUSP) and President of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors – ABEC


Glenn Hampson

Director of the Science Communication Institute and Open Scholarship Initiative (OSI), USA


​​​​Ivan Oransky

Distinguished Writer in Residence at New York University's Carter Journalism Institute; Co-Founder of Retraction Watch, USA


Jefferson Mainardes

Professor at the Department of Education of the Federal University of Ponta Grossa; President of the Ethics Committee of the National Association of Research in Education (ANPEd), Brazil


Juliana Bonacorsi de Palma

Professor at the Law School at Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV); Chair of the Central Office of Research Integrity of FGV (FGV ECIC)


Lex Bouter

Professor of Methodology and Integrity at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers; Chair of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation, The Netherlands 


Lilian Ribeiro de Rezende

Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Goiás (UFG); Chair of the Commission for Academic Integrity of UFG, Brazil


Maria Gabriela Haye Biazevic

Professor at the Social Odontology Department of the University of São Paulo (USP). President of the Ethics Committee of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (SBPqO), Brazil


Mariana Dias Ribeiro

Postdoctoral researcher - research integrity, science and governance, Brazilian National Institute of Cancer (INCA)


Mario Biagioli 

Distinguished Professor of Law and Communication at UCLA and Director of the Center for Science and Innovation Studies at UC Davis.


​Michael Kalichman

Former Director of the Research Ethics Program, University of California (UCSD), San Diego, USA


Miguel Roig

Professor at the Department of Psychology, St. John's University; Member of the Center for Scientific Integrity (parent organization of Retraction Watch), USA


Nythamar Hilario Fernandes de Oliveira Junior

Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS); Coordinator of the Neurophilosophy Research Group, Brain Institute (InsCer)


Sigmar Rode

Former president of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors - ABEC


Véronique Kiermer 

Chief Scientific Officer at PLOS


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